Elsevier(爱思唯尔)近些年搞得全世界单位个人都很疯狂。下面是Elsevier发送给我们海南琼大的数学和统计杂志影响因子情况(它合作出版的生物杂志Cell Stem Cell创刊仅2年,影响因子就从0一冲至16.826,
"Dr Kewen"
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《科学网》的全球最“顶级数学杂志影响因子”一共10个杂志中的下面9个影响因子全都低于4.0,而上面发表我们海南琼州大学论文的杂志Applied Mathematics Letters的影响因子是4.055,
上面另一个发表琼州大学另一成果论文的杂志Computers and Mathematics with
1. Annals
of Mathematics 3.918
2. Communications on Pure and Applied
Mathematics 2.676
3 Acta Mathematica 2.458
4. Bulletin of the American Mathematical
Society 1.324
5. Journal of the American Mathematical
Society 5.413
6. Memoirs of the American Mathematical
Society 2.895
7. Duke
Mathematical Journal 2.194
Inventiones Mathematicae 2.986
9. Advances in Mathematics 1.688
10. Proceedings of the London Mathematical
Society 1.366