琼州大学赵克文2002年创办的国际计算与应用数学杂志迄今为止海南省唯一被美国数学会的《数学评论》收录的杂志! 1958已创办的海南历史最悠久大学海南师范大学学报仍然仅正在争取成为美国《数学评论》源期刊(海南师范大学几十年来一直是海南省数学会挂靠单位是海南省数学界唯一中心和海南省数学重点学科只归属海南师范大学。关于美国《数学评论》-简称MR,其办公大楼是建于1902年的(The MR Building)办公大楼,它是美国第一公立大学-密歇根大学校区当时最美丽雄伟建筑)

我创办杂志的当时,杂志尚少很必要-很受重视,如很多20年以上的国外世界著名杂志主编或出版社负责人都写信给海南,希望和我们每期新出版的杂志交换当期杂志,如意大利著名杂志-Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics和欧洲1981年创刊的著名杂志Note di Matematica2005年前就已来信给我(以前杂志尚少时很受重视也如这里著名科学家花一年多为我们审稿并自已很多钱邮票寄来中国琼州大学。不过,其后随着互联网的发展-使各国不断出版成倍的新杂志,2008年以后确实再没有一个杂志给我写信请求交换杂志,唉!真的想不到杂志等泛滥成灾来得那么快)。意大利的IJPAM主编给我的来信非常多。下面是1981年创刊的Note di MatematicaToni2005年给我的来信:

Lecce, 1/12/2005

Dear Professor Kewen Zhao, We inform you that we should be greatly interested in exchanging the journal "Note di Matematica" published by our Department with the journal "International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (IJCAM) of which you are the Editor-in-Chief". We inform you that we are also very interested in receiving the previous issues of your publication, if you agree to our proposal of exchange. Please be so kind as to answer us by e-mail. Yours sincerely, A. Toni
We look forward to hearing from you and cooperation.
Yours sincerely,

Dr. Antonella Toni - Responsabile di Biblioteca
Dipartimento di Matematica "Ennio De Giorgi"
Universita' degli Studi di Lecce
Via per Arnesano - 73100 LECCE
Tel. 0832 297514; fax 0832 297541
e-mail: antonella.toni@unile.it


Dear Prof. Zhao,

We take the liberty of approaching you with the following request. We should like to propose you to  exchange agreements between our two institutions. We dare thinking that you will be interested in our academic journal:Journal of Geometry and Symmetry in Physics /Text in Engl./, ISSN 1312 - 5192, http://www.bio21.bas.bg/jgsp/

In exchange we should be pleased to receive yours International Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

We hope this proposal will be of interest to you and very loоk forward to your reply. Please let us know your decision so that we may avoid troubling you in future. You may use e-mail also for communication

With best wishes!

Madlena Kiskinova,

Head the International Exchange Department of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

1, 15 Noemvri Str. 1040 Sofia

Tel. (359 2) 98 98 446 /259, 320, 317/

Fax (359 2) 986 25 00

E-mail  exch1@cl.bas.bg