前几天总部在美国纽约自然科学出版集团的AMIS杂志的主编(他的网或Download CV见他介绍是非洲科学院副院长、Sohag大学国际关系中心主席、Sohag大学应用数学教授、国际数学联盟国家委员会主席) M. Abdel-Aty教授把请我审稿的他在最后自己签名的下面邀请信寄给我(一个如此多职务的数学专家仍对轻微的审稿人这样的事情特别是现在已泛滥没多少人在乎的审稿人可也亲自挑选可见要成功在任何情况下首先要执着认真2):

不清楚这大学但搜下见它在2006年才创办, 但在世界排名已居601-800, 紧跟它前后的依次是:四川大学Sichuan University,  索哈杰大学Sohag University,  华南理工大学South China University of Technology, 人家可是创办不久并是落后国家,虽排名常不准,可也看出这是该国重点建设的新大学

Ref. AMIS101519A The Impact of Additional ...,

·         发件人:

Appl. Math. Inf. Sci.<amis@natural-s-publishing.com>

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kewen zhao<kwzhao2006@163.com>

·            间:

20191028 14:46 (星期一)

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×Dear Prof. Kewen Zhao,


Recently we received the manuscript entitled:

"The Impact of Additional Food on Plankton Dynamics in the Absence and Presence of Toxicity"

Ref. AMIS101519A The Impact of Additional ...,


for publication in the Journal of Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences.

Since we consider you to be an expert in the field, we would greatly appreciate if you could act as a reviewer for this paper.

This article is attached to this email, and we hope that you will  consider undertaking this important task for us. Please complete, sign and return to me a soft copy of the attached reviewer's report form.

We are aware that the review requires time and effort but it would  be very helpful if you could return your comments as soon as possible, preferably by 24 Nov, 2019.


If you do not have the time to referee the article, please let us  know about your decision so the Editor can urgently find another reviewer.


Yours sincerely,

M. Abdel-Aty


Applied Mathematics & Information Sciences



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