1、AEÜ - International Journal of Electronics and Communications(其时的主编:Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ralf Lehnert)Elsevier
2、Karbala International Journal of Modern Science(其时的主编:Prof. Dr. Ahmed M. Abdul-Lettif)Elsevier。
3、Mathematical Methods of Operations Research(其时的主编:Prof. Dr. Oliver Stein)Springer
4、Complex Adaptive Systems Modeling(其时的主编:Prof. Dr. Muaz A. Niazi)Springer
5、Mathematical Sciences(其时的主编:Prof. Prof. K.
7、Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences(其时的主编:Prof. Wolfgang Sprößig)Wiley
8、Computer Applications in Engineering
Education(其时的主编:Prof. Magdy F. Iskander)Wiley
9、Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography(其时的主编:Prof. Bal Kishan Dass)Taylor & Francis。
10、International Journal of Science Education(其时的主编:Prof. John Gilbert)Taylor & Francis。
11、Far East Journal of Mathematical Sciences(其时的主编:Prof. K. K. Azad)
12、Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics(其时的主编:Prof. K. K. Azad)
on Number Theory and Discrete Mathematics(其时的主编:Prof. Krassimir Atanassov)
14、Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences(其时的主编:Prof. M. Abdel-Aty)。
15、数学计算 (主编:Prof. 马尽文 教授,北京大学 )
16、 《应用数学进展》(主编:Prof. )
Journal of Information and Communication Technology Education (主编:Prof. Lawrence A. Tomei )
18、Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology (泰国SCI杂志,主编:Prof. Duang Buddhasukh )
19、Indian Journal of
Science and Technology (主编:Prof. Natarajan Gajendran)
20、WSEAS Transactions on Computers (主编:Prof. Josip Musić )
Mathematical Forum(主编:Prof. )Hikari Ltd
22、International Journal of Contemporary
Mathematical Sciences (主编:Prof. )Hikari Ltd
Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (主编:Prof. Lech M. Grzesiak )
24、 Journal of
Mathematical Sciences: Advances and Applications (主编:Prof. )和何宏宇
25、 Studies
in Mathematical Sciences(主编:Prof. Yanni
26、International Journal of Mathematics and Analysis (主编:Prof. B. Davvaz)
27、 European
Journal of Scientific Research (2004年创刊,没主编,我排第一. http://www.europeanjournalofscientificresearch.com/ejsr_editorial.html)
28、 International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering (主编是新加坡国立大学:Prof. Maode Ma,)
29、International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Statistics (主编:Prof. 赖春晖等
30、 TWMS Journal of Applied and Engineering
Mathematics (主编:Prof. )
31、Journal of Applied
Mathematics & Bioinformatics (主编:Prof. )
32、 British Journal of Mathematics
& Computer Science(主编:Prof Tian-Xiao He,Department of Mathematics
and Computer Science,,Illinois Wesleyan
University, USA; Prof. Jia Li,Department of Mathematics, University of Alabama in Huntsville,
Huntsville, AL, USA)
33、International Electronic Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics (主编:Prof. D. Bainov )
Science Letters (主编:Prof. Ahmad Makui )
35、 Global Journal of Pure and Applied
Mathematics (2005年第一期杂志上就有我的名,主编:Prof. Toka Diagana )
36、Continental journal of Applied Sciences (2007年创刊,主编:Prof. F. O. Abulude )
37、 International Journal of Computers & Technology (2002年创刊,我是前主编:Prof. )
38、Journal of Advances in Mathematics(2005年创刊,我是前主编:Prof. )
39、International Journal of Electrical and
Computer Engineering (主编:Prof. Lech M.
Grzesiak, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland )
39、Applications and Applied Mathematics: An International Journal
(AAM) (1964年创刊的美国德州杂志,主编:Prof. Aliakbar
Montazer Haghighi,
Journal of Applied Engineering and Technology (主编:Prof. )
42、Studies in Mathematical Sciences (主编:Prof. )http://www.cscanada.net/index.php/sms/about/editorialTeam
43、The Canadian Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences (CJPAS) (主编:Prof. )http://www.cjpas.net/editorial-board/
44、International Journal of Computer and Communication Engineering
(IJCCE) (主编是新加坡国立大学Prof. )
45、 Open American Mathematics Journal(主编:Prof. )http://www.benthamscience.com/open/toamj/EBM.htm
46、 25:以色列JECE;(主编:Prof. )
47、International Journal of Applied Sciences and Biotechnology”
(IJASBT) (主编:Prof. )
48、International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences (主编:Prof. )
49、Journal of Sciences Rasearch (主编:Prof. )http://www.banglajol.info/index.php/JSR/about/editorialPolicies
50、 Asian Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences (主编:Prof. )
51、29:亚洲IJIEC International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations (主编:Prof. )
52、 (主编:Prof. )
53、 (主编:Prof. )
54、 (主编:Prof. )
55、 (主编:Prof. )
56、 (主编:Prof. )
57、 (主编:Prof. )
58、 (主编:Prof. )
59、 (主编:Prof. )
60、 (主编:Prof. )
61、 (主编:Prof. )
62、 (主编:Prof. )
63、 (主编:Prof. )
64、 (主编:Prof. )
65、 (主编:Prof. )
66、 (主编:Prof. )
67、 (主编:Prof. )
68、Journal of Applied
Science and Engineering Innovation (主编:Prof. Bob Duan, )
69、International Journal of Applied
Sciences and Biotechnology (主编:Prof. Umesh Prasad Shrivastava )
70、 (主编:Prof. )
71、 (主编:Prof. )
72、 (主编:Prof. )
73、 (主编:Prof. )
74、 (主编:Prof. )
75、 (主编:Prof. )
76、 (主编:Prof. )
77、 (主编:Prof. )
78、 (主编:Prof. )
79、 (主编:Prof. )
80、US Open Mathematical Modeling
and Applied Computing Journal (没主编,我排第一. http://www.arepub.com/US%20Open%20Mathematical%20Modeling%20and%20Applied%20Computing%20Journal/Editor%20Board.php
81、 US Open Mathematics &
Physical Science Journal (没主编,我排第一. http://www.arepub.com/US%20Open%20Mathematics%20&%20Physical%20Science%20Journal/Editor%20Board.php
Dear Dr. Zhao,
Thank you for your mail and your nice
words. At this moment we are in the process of reflecting about the role and
the composition of the editorial board. I will propose your name to the group
of associate editors.
Best regards
Jan Elen
From: kewen zhao
Sent: vrijdag 30 mei 2014 15:08
To: Jan Elen
Subject: can please you kindly accept me as an editor member of
Instructional Science
Dear Editor-in-Chief,
Professor Jan Elen,
It's my very great honor to know you.
I am a Director and Professor of the Institute of Applied Mathematics &
Information Sciences,
I very very like
your journal. Can please you kindly accept me to join the Editorial Board of Springer journal "Instructional
If you accept me to join the Editorial Board, it would be
my greatest honor in my life. So I will do whatever you ask me to do and
I must thank you for forever.
information can be found at http://www.qzu5.com/homepage.htm,
My detailed cv can be found in the attachment. Please you kindly find it.
very wish to obtain your kind consideration and help.
Thank you very much and look forward to hearing from you.
With best regards,
Sincerely yours,
Kewen Zhao
Director and Professor, Inst. Appl. Math.